
“All right then, the Lord himself will give you the sign.
Look! The virgin will conceive a child!

She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel
(which means ‘God is with us’).”

Isaiah 7:14

“ ‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord.

‘They are plans for good and not for disaster,

to give you a future and a hope.’ ”

Jeremiah 29:11


Items Needed for this week:

Print Coloring Sheets

Crayons/Markers/Coloring Pencils

Cake or Birthday Treat & Candles

  • Read Isaiah 7:14

    Did you know this promise was about Jesus and it was foretold around 700 YEARS before his birth? This brought a lot of hope to God’s people. Jesus gives all of us hope still today!

    Let everyone in your family share about something they’re looking forward to that feels like it’s 700 years away.

  • Print out a copy of the “Jesus Brings Us Hope” coloring sheet for each person in your family. (Find it Here)

    Sit around the table, play your favorite Christmas music, and color as you sing!

    Hang your creations where you can be reminded that Jesus brings hope all season long.

  • Pick someone new to read Isaiah 7:14.

    Have you ever stopped to wonder why God chose to send Jesus to earth as a baby?

    As a family, write down feelings people have when they hear someone is having a baby.

    Then talk about why you think God may have chosen to send us hope through a baby.

  • Take a trip to the grocery store, and pick up a cake (or other birthday treat) and some birthday candles.

    Put one candle for each family member on your cake. Before you blow them out, honor Jesus by saying a family prayer. Let each family member tell Jesus what they love about him.

    As you eat cake, have everyone share what flavor of birthday
    cake they’d make for Jesus and why.

  • Pick someone to read Jeremiah 29:11.

    No matter what happens, God has a good plan for each one of us. Just like God had a plan to send Jesus so we can be forgiven, forever friends with God. God showed us we can trust his plans because, as God promised, Jesus was born!

    Write out Jeremiah 29:11 and draw a picture of Jesus on a sheet of paper. Hang it on the fridge for a reminder of God’s good plans and the hope we have in Jesus.

  • Talk about this today:

    If you could spend the day with Jesus, what would you talk about with him?

  • Pick someone new to read Jeremiah 29:11.

    Invite everyone to share the best part about their week. Then pray together and thank God for your family’s highlights of the week.