
“I have loved you even as the Father has loved me.
Remain in my love.

When you obey my commandments, you remain in my love, just as I obey my Father’s commandments and remain in his love.

I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow!”

John 15:9-11

“Shout to the Lord, all the earth;
break out in praise and sing for joy!”

Psalm 98:4

“ ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.
All these things are gone forever.’

And the one sitting on the throne said,
‘Look, I am making everything new!’ ”

Revelation 21:4-5


Items Needed for this week:

Print Coloring Sheets

Crayons/Markers/Coloring Pencils

Hot Chocolate, Marshmellows, Whipped Cream

Christmas Cookies or other shareable food

  • Pick someone to read
    John 15:9-11.

    God loves us, and he commands us to love others. Why? Because love fills us with great joy.

    Talk about how your family can love others and bring them joy in the new year.

  • Print out a copy of the “Jesus Brings Us Joy” coloring sheet for each person in your family. (Print Here)

    Sit around the table, play your favorite Christmas music, and color as you sing!

    Hang your creations where you can be reminded that Jesus brings joy all season long.

  • Pick someone new to read the bold text from John 15:9-11.

    Make some hot chocolate for everyone, and let your family members “overflow” their cups with marshmallows or whipped cream.

    As you enjoy your mugs of happy, have everyone talk about the best part of this week so far.

  • Have everyone share…

    What’s the most fun you’ve ever had with our family in the days leading up to Christmas?

  • Pick someone to read Psalm 98:4.

    Psalm 98 inspired the song “Joy to the World.”

    Find the song online. Listen to and/or sing it as a family.

    Then let everyone share what makes their joy overflow at Christmastime.

  • Have everyone share what kind of food puts a smile on their faces:

    Plan to make Christmas cookies or some other “shareable” food as a family this weekend!

    Put a smile on someone else’s face by giving some away! Choose someone special as a family.

  • Pick someone to readRevelation21:4-5

    Just four more sleeps until the day of Jesus’ birth!

    Jesus is the best gift we can ever hope to receive.

    He brings us eternal life.

    A life that’s nothing like the life we live here today.

    A life with “no more death or sorrow or crying or pain.”

    Wow! That’s something to be joyful about.

    Pray as a family and thank God for the gift of Jesus.